Urban Environments Bylaw 225
The Urban Environments Bylaw covers many things that help us coexist harmoniously in our city and neighbourhood spaces. This Bylaw has one or more of the following purposes:
- To protect, promote and maintain public health and safety.
- To protect the public from activities that may constitute, or have the potential to constitute, a nuisance.
- To regulate the use of public places.
- To regulate the keeping of animals and poultry.
- To minimise the potential for disorder or offensive behaviour, including controlling the bringing of alcohol into specified public places and the consumption and possession of alcohol in those public places.
- To regulate trading in public places, including soliciting donations and busking and begging.
- To manage activities within Nelson’s parks and reserves, including Nelson’s cemeteries.
- To promote the display of street numbers on buildings.
The amended Urban Environments Bylaw came into effect on 12 September 2024. Copies of the bylaw are available at the Customer Service Centre and can be downloaded from the link below.
- Amended Urban Environments Bylaw 225 (279KB PDF)
- Amended Urban Environments Bylaw 225 (Word Version) (113KB DOCX)
Sandwich Board Regulations
Permits issued under the Urban Environments Bylaw
Please email all completed forms to enquiry@ncc.govt.nz
Itinerant trader, Mobile shop or Commercial services
- Itinerant trader includes someone selling flowers from a basket, selling cookie time cookies conducted on public or private property.
- Mobile shop includes a vehicle from which goods, wares or merchandise (including food) are offered or exposed for sale.
- Commercial services are the soliciting of patronage for, or provision of, any service which is offered or provided, on payment of a fee or charge.
To operate a business on Council administrated Parks or Reserves refer to concession Licence.
- Itinerant trader, Mobile shop or Commercial services Permit application (172KB PDF)
- Itinerant trader, Mobile shop or Commercial services - Permit conditions and restrictions (73KB PDF)
Keeping of animals (poultry and stock)
A key aspect of the bylaw includes the rules around keeping animals. The Council recognises that keeping animals, has benefits for the wellbeing of the owner and members of the household. The aim of these provisions is to promote and maintain public health and safety, and to protect the public from nuisance. Permits are required for keeping more than 12 chickens and keeping stock on properties within the urban zone of the City.
- Keeping of animals (poultry and stock) Permit application (170KB PDF)
- Keeping of animals (poultry and stock) Brochure (1.9MB PDF)
Advertisement or items in public places
Exceptions to Alcohol Ban
The Bylaw does not prohibit the possession of, or consumption of, alcohol in any public place, or part of a public place, where this is authorised by a licence issued under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, or where BYO alcohol is permitted by the organiser of any Council-approved function or event making use of the public place.
Any person may apply to the Council for a permit for any low risk activity involving a limited amount of alcohol.
- Exceptions to Alcohol Ban Permit application (164KB PDF)
- Exceptions to Alcohol Ban Application for a Special Licence (if alcohol is to be sold)
- Areas exemptions are required (schedule A) (97KB PDF)
Map of Alcohol Ban Areas
- Whole City Overview (2.5MB PDF)
- Inner City (730KB PDF)
- Neale Park, Guppy Park, Miyazu Gardens (241KB PDF)
- Maitai Walkway, Maitai Cricket Ground, Botanics, Branford Park (277KB PDF)
- Maitai Valley (161KB PDF)
- Victory Square, Wigzell Park, Fairfield Park (304KB PDF)
- Tahunanui Recreation Reserve, Paddy's Knob (272KB PDF)
- Stoke, Marsden Rec, Green Meadows, Isel Park, Broadgreen (531KB PDF)
- Saxton Field, Railway Reserve (266KB PDF)
Activities in Reserves
Council sometimes needs to give formal approval to people or groups who want to use council-owned parks and reserves.
For people or groups wishing to enhance and take care of an area of Council land on Parks and Reserves, Council runs an Adopt a Spot programme. See our Adopt a Spot page for more information.
Council also provides concessions to operate commercial activities on some of its reserves, and street stalls in places within the central business district. Most commonly these concessions are for food and beverage stalls or carts, but other activities can also be considered. For more information on street stalls and concessions please see https://www.nelson.govt.nz/services/facilities/street-stalls/
For other enquires about use of Council-owned Parks and Reserves please contact the Parks and Facilities team askparksandfacilities@ncc.govt.nz.
Grazing of Livestock in Nelson’s Reserves
If you wish to graze livestock on public land within Nelson, you must seek permission and enter into a lease agreement with the Council. Applications are evaluated based on the following criteria:
- The location where the animals will graze.
- The adequacy of fencing to contain the livestock.
- The applicant’s qualifications and experience in handling the animals.
- Potential for the animals to cause a nuisance to the public.
To apply for permission to graze livestock in a park, reserve, or road reserve, complete the Expression of Interest (Grazing) form (164KB PDF), and email it to enquiry@ncc.govt.nz
Please note: There is a fee associated with each lease agreement.
Notification requirements
Notification of an organised event in the city centres
If you're planning an event in Nelson, you will need to make sure you get all required permission and consents before proceeding with your event. The first step is to complete this enquiry form Nelson City Council City Centre booking enquiry (priava.com) Council has created a web page dedicated to planning an event in Nelson and all things to consider: https://venues.nelson.govt.nz/planning-an-event/
Busking notification
Before performing as a busker in any public place, contact details must be provided to the Council via the web form below.
Please email all completed forms to enquiry@ncc.govt.nz