Code compliance certificate
The owner or agent must apply for a code compliance certificate as soon as practicable after all building work is completed.
When all the building work is completed in accordance with the building consent, a code compliance certificate (CCC) can be issued. This is a verification from the building consent authority that it is satisfied, on reasonable grounds that the building work complies with the building consent and building code. It is an important document, and should be retained for future reference.
An application for CCC can be made online once all consented building work has been completed (and preferably when all inspections have been passed). Refer to your building consent for any other documentation required by Council prior to the issue of CCC.
Note: the application must be submitted by the owner or their authorised agent. Please ensure all information on the application is complete and correct.
Issuing CCC
Council has 20 working days in which to decide whether to issue, or refuse to issue, a CCC. If we need more information, you will receive notification by email requesting further information or clarification. The 20-day clock is suspended until this information is provided.
Council cannot issue CCC until all fees and charges relating to the building consent have been paid. Find out how to pay fees.
Refusing CCC
If Council isn't satisfied that the building work complies with the building consent, we will write to you to advise we will refuse to issue the code compliance certificate. If your application is declined, you can reapply once you have addressed any areas of non-compliance.
If Council refuses to issue a CCC, and if you consider this is not justified, you can apply to the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment for a determination –details on their website
Council must make a CCC decision at two years
Council must decide two years after the building consent has been granted whether or not to issue a CCC (even if a CCC has not been applied for). If the work is not going to be completed within two years, it is essential that you advise Council. If Council decides to refuse a CCC because work has not been completed, you should continue building work and inspections as required and apply for CCC as soon as work is completed.
Old consents
If the building consent was issued more than five years ago, or under the 1991 Act, Council may issue a CCC if we are satisfied that the building work complies with the building code and the Building Act.
Older building consents do present Council with a problem when considering the issue of a CCC, particularly when we are looking at construction details and the maintenance history. If Council is not able to confirm the necessary details, we may refuse to issue a CCC. See building consents more than five years old for more information.
Compliance schedules
A compliance schedule is required for homes with cable cars, and may be required for multi-unit and non-residential buildings.