Council Records on Earthquake Prone Buildings

Interpreting records in a property file
A General Property Information (GPI) listing of the contents of the ‘property file’ indicates what resource consents, building consents, compliance schedules and other information that is applicable to the property that the Council has on record. Property files may include information about whether a particular building has been assessed for earthquake risk.

Interpreting records in a property file

A General Property Information (GPI) listing of the contents of the ‘property file’ indicates what resource consents, building consents, compliance schedules and other information that is applicable to the property that the Council has on record. Property files may include information about whether a particular building has been assessed for earthquake risk.

Condition 1451

If Condition 1451 is found on a property file it means that a building on the property is awaiting or part way through the earthquake prone building review process. Not all properties that will have condition 1451 have yet been identified.

Condition 1451 will apply to all properties that have buildings that may meet the criteria to be considered as potentially earthquake prone, or are earthquake prone.

Once Council is satisfied that all of the buildings on a property are either;

  • confirmed as not earthquake prone,
  • confirmed as not meeting the criteria to be considered as potentially earthquake prone, or are
  • outside the scope of buildings that can be considered to be earthquake prone,

then an earthquake prone building status note to this effect will be added to the property file, and condition 1451 will be removed.

Most small residential buildings, farm buildings, standalone retaining walls, fences monuments, wharves, bridges, tunnels, tanks and dams are not subject to the earthquake-prone provisions of the Building Act 2004 and so Condition 1451 generally does not apply to them.

View Condition 1451 text (58KB PDF)

Earthquake Prone Building information in a property file

In the Building section of the GPI you might find an explanation of milestones that have been reached for particular buildings with respect to earthquake-prone building review. For example:


EARTHQUAKE PRONE BUILDING STATUS EQB0129 Example Building 1 (reviewed after July 2017)

This building is NOT earthquake prone, as determined by NCC as Territorial Authority. This decision is made in accordance with the EPB Methodology authorised by s133AV, Building Act 2004, because a complying engineering assessment (initial seismic assessment - ISA) has been accepted. The final assessed rating for the building is xx% NBS (IL2) as determined by <engineering assessment company>. The review process has not been completed for other buildings on this property.


EARTHQUAKE PRONE BUILDING STATUS EQB0180 Example Building 2 (reviewed before July 2017)

This building has been reviewed in terms of the policy and is not considered to require further assessment at this time because an initial assessment (IEP) has been received dated 6 May 2010 that indicates the building is not earthquake prone. The review process has not been completed for other buildings on this property.

At the bottom of the building list you might find list buildings that have been flagged for review. For example:

  • Earthquake Review BA 2004 EQB0129 : Example Building 1 (reviewed after July 2017)
  • Earthquake Review BA 2004 EQB0180 : Example Building 2 (reviewed before July 2017)
  • Earthquake Review BA 2004 EQB0181 : Example Building 3
  • Earthquake Review BA 2004 EQB0207 : Example Building 4

This does not mean these buildings are earthquake prone, it just indicates that the buildings are either awaiting, part way through or have completed the earthquake-prone building review process.

Finding a property file

You can view a property file for a particular property by visiting Council’s Customer Services Centre at Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street.