Consent forms and guides A - Z

All consent forms that are available online are listed here alphabetically.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


Affected Persons Written Approvals form (56KB PDF)

Alton Place Design Guide

Application for Fast track resource consent (46KB PDF)

Application for Permitted Boundary Activity  (52KB PDF)


Building consent application online form

Building consent application form 2 (Simpli)
Building consent application lodgement checklist (BC78) (501KB DOCX)

Building consent guide – demolition

Building consent guide - Land subject to natural hazards (section 72 of the Building Act 2004)

Building consent guide - wet area showers

Building guide - certificate of acceptance

Building location certificate (63KB PDF)


Certificate of acceptance application form 8 (Simpli)

Certificate for public use application form 15 (Simpli)

Code compliance certificate application form 6 (Simpli)

Compliance schedule - application for an existing building (BAM 017) (51KB DOCX)


Dear Cottages design guide

Design guide for Alton Place

Design guide for Dear Cottages

Design guide for Elliott Street

Design guide for Fountain Place

Design guide for the inner city 

Design guide for Russell Street

Design guide for Seymour Avenue

Drainage plan (36KB PDF)


Election Sign Guidelines 2014 (362KB PDF)

Elliott Street design guide

Exempt work notification TAM 001 (236KB DOCX)

Exempt work application (discretionary) TAM 006 (210KB DOCX)

Extension of time application form (Simpli)


Fences - guide to building a fence (440KB PDF)

Fountain Place design guide




Inner city design guide

Industrial Zone FAQs (106KB PDF)

Inner City Zone FAQs (287KB PDF)




Land information memorandum (LIM) application (66KB PDF)


Major Projects Team flier (1.3MB PDF)

Memorandum from LBP: certificate of design work form 2A (Simpli)

Memorandum from LBP: record of building work form 6A (Simpli)

Minor variation to approved building consent plans (184KB PDF)


Notice of owner-builder application form 2C (Simpli).  Required if you are the owner-builder and start or stop carrying out restricted building work on your own home (during construction).

Notice of Written Approval for Permitted Boundary Activity (55KB PDF)

Notification of exempt work TAM 001 (236KB DOCX)


On site minor variation application to approved building consent plans (184KB PDF)

Outline Plan Approval Application for resource consents (45KB PDF)


Pressure Test Certificate BAM 222 (43KB PDF)

Producer Statement PS3 - Construction (62KB PDF)

Producer Statement PS3 - Waterproofing Application (62KB PDF)

Publicly notified resource consent submission form

Publicly Notified Resource Consent application submission online form



Record of Title (Land Information New Zealand website)

Residential Zone FAQ (503KB PDF)

Resource consent application (44KB PDF)

Resource Consent - application to transfer to another person (161KB PDF)

Resource consent Written Approvals form (56KB PDF)

Right of way project guide (Property Law Act) (71KB PDF)

Rural Zone FAQs (104KB PDF)

Russell Street design guide


Seymour Avenue design guide

Statutory declaration of owner-builder form 2B (Simpli).  Required with a building consent if you are the owner and intend to do restricted building work on your home.

Specified Systems Details (BAM 013) (75KB DOCX)

Sub Commercial Zone FAQs (285KB PDF)

Subdivisions - RMA Planning (264KB PDF)

Submission form for a publicly notified resource consent (109KB PDF)

Supporting Information for a Mooring (45KB PDF)

Swimming Pool Barrier Guide (776KB PDF)


Trade Waste Discharge Application (78KB PDF)


Unauthorised building works notification BAM 704

Urban design protocol action plan (183KB PDF)


Vehicle crossing - alter or install application form
Vehicle crossing standards - guidance document (245KB PDF)


Water Supply Pressure Test Certificate BAM 222 (43KB PDF)

Written Approvals form for resource consents (56KB PDF)

