Requesting Property Files

If you are looking for property information about a property within the Nelson City Council area the Council can assist e.g., if you are interested in buying a house or looking up the file for your own house.

The General Property Information ('GPI') for a property is available to the public free of charge. The GPI report includes:

  • Nelson Resource Management Plan (NRMP) hazard overlay map
  • Hazard Study Information
  • Hazardous Activities and Industries List (HAIL) site information brochure
  • Information about Property Files
  • General Property Information (GPI) summary
  • Property Conditions

A Full Property File includes:

  • The GPI information above, plus:
  • Copies of the relevant Building Consents
  • Copies of the relevant Resource Consents
  • Other public relevant documents

These files may exclude:

  • Confidential records
  • Building consents that have no code compliance certificate
  • Resource consents that are still being monitored
  • Subdivision resource consents
  • Land Information Memorandums (LIMs)

To view the full contents of the Council Property file there is a property access fee of $20. There is no charge if you are the owner. Customers requiring regular access to property files can either obtain a ‘regular user’ concession card - $80 for 5 property files or pay an annual user fee of $2,000.

How to request a property file

You can request the GPI or the full property file at the Customer Service Centre counter at 110 Trafalgar Street, where you can make your $20 payment via cash or EFTPOS, if applicable. Or by emailing your request to and paying online.

If the full file is available in scanned electronic format, we can then provide it to you either on a CD to pick up from the counter or via emailing you a downloadable link. 

Requesting an electronic file

Step 1. Pay the fee using a credit card via our Online Payments page. Please select the ‘other debtor’ tab and use the reference ‘1999999’ and the amount is $20 (it will charge a 2% transaction bank fee on top). Once paid you will receive an email confirmation.

Step 2. Send the email confirmation to stating that you have paid, proof attached and would like the full file for the specified address. Please provide both the address and either the valuation number or legal description to ensure we provide you with the right file. State whether you wish it to be copied onto a CD that you will collect, or if you wish it to be emailed back to you via SharePoint. We endeavour to process these requests by the end of the next working day.

Electronic versus paper files

Some of our property files are electronically available and can be electronically downloaded and emailed, while some are still paper files and can only be viewed at the Customer Service Centre counter at 110 Trafalgar Street:

Available Electronically

  • The General Property Information for all properties (as above)
  • Properties located in streets that begin with names A - S (e.g., Aldinga Avenue, Selwyn Place etc.) are scanned and available electronically. As of March 2024, we have scanned up to Valerie Place (All of X, Y, and Z also scanned).
  • New Building Consents lodged since numbers BC140287 – approximately mid-2014 - are all scanned.
  • New Resource Consents lodged since approximately April 2018 are all scanned.

Paper Files

  • Streets beginning with "Va" are currently being scanned. Streets beyond Tr – Z are generally not yet scanned. However, some properties are scanned out of sequence, so if you want a Va- Z property we suggest you check with Customer Service first to see if it is scanned or not.
  • Building Consents lodged before 2014 that are still ‘active’ (i.e., that do not have a CCC Code Compliance Certificate) are still paper files and not scanned. 
  • Resource Consents that are still ‘active’ (i.e., where the conditions are being monitored) are still paper files and not scanned (except new applications received since April 2018). 
  • Subdivision resource consents are generally not scanned (except new applications received since April 2018).  

If you need to copy any information from a property file the first five photocopies (max A3) size are included in your Property File Access Fee, otherwise fees as follows. 

Photocopying charges
Charge $ (incl GST)
A2 $2.00
A1 $3.00