Donate to the Civic Trust

Annual Giving programme
If you would like to make the Trust one of your regular beneficiaries, consider joining our Annual Giving Programme. We will be in touch with you each year at a time of your choosing to confirm your annual donation. In fact, if it is easier for you, we can keep your payment details on record and notify you after each year's contribution along with your tax receipt.

Annual Giving programme

If you would like to make the Trust one of your regular beneficiaries, consider joining our Annual Giving Programme. We will be in touch with you each year at a time of your choosing to confirm your annual donation. In fact, if it is easier for you, we can keep your payment details on record and notify you after each year's contribution along with your tax receipt.

For those who would like to make regular weekly or fortnightly contributions to the Trust, the donation can be made easily from your bank account at your initial instruction. Find out more about making internet banking payments to the Trust.

Bequest programme

Continue your support for the community beyond your lifetime. The Trust is often the beneficiary of generous bequests from current and former Nelsonians who want to leave their mark on the city or just leave something for Nelson in return for all Nelson has meant to them.

Bequests can be made through a will. After assuring that loved ones have been cared for, you can use a variety of assets to make meaningful gifts to charities that are important to you.

The Trust can provide specific instructions on language that can be included in a will to make a bequest to the Trust or any organisation of interest.

Partner programme

The Partner Programme is an opportunity for individuals or corporate sponsors to join with the Trust in major projects. For example, in 1999 the Trust joined with the Sealord Group to light the façade of the Bishop Suter Art Gallery to mark the Gallery's centenary. In 2003 an application to the Community Trust by the Civic Trust resulted in significant funding for the Early Settlers memorial wall which was part of the Nelson 2000 Trust's Wakefield Quay project.

Specific memorials

One of the ways that Nelsonians or their visitors may wish to commemorate someone special is to contribute a functional item of remembrance that will benefit other citizens such as a seat, a shelter or a drinking fountain. The City of Nelson Civic Trust can advise how this can be done, including providing a list of possible facilities and their costs.

Internet banking option

For those who would like to make regular weekly or fortnightly contributions to the Trust, the donation can be made easily from your bank account. Please follow these instructions and reference what you are paying with these codes:

Payee name

City of Nelson Civic Trust

Payee Account No

03 1354 0122798 00

Details to appear on payee statement

  • Particulars = the word "Donation"
  • Reference = Your Name
  • Code = any other reference you'd like to make