Alastair Cotterill
My principal place of residence is in the Nelson City Council - At Large area.
Alastair Cotterill will be a voice for Nelson community.
I am passionate about our families, from the youth to adults, in helping them grow with confidence and creating a positive impact on their lives.
I want to ensure rate rises are kept down and a control of expenditure.
I will listen to community concerns and issues when they arise. I want to ensure local businesses and industries have a base to thrive, creating economic success for the greater region.
I have successfully run my own professional tennis business for 32 years.
Outdoors and running is also a passion. And when running the Grampian hills, and looking down over Nelson, I am really proud of our city and what it could also be.
I am great believer that sport can help youth to adults in a positive way.
I will be a champion for Nelson residents.