Annual Plan 2016/17

Council has now adopted its Annual Plan 2016/17and will come into force on 1 July 2016.

Annual Plan 2016 17 cover

The Plan covers Council’s work programme for the upcoming financial year and includes a rate increase of 2.8% compared with the Long Term Plan figure of 3.4% for the 2016/17, and a debt level of $131M compared with the Long Term Plan figure of $133M.

Council sought feedback on the draft Annual Plan 2016/17 from 11 March to 11 April.

Hearings of submitters were carried out on 3 and 4 May and Council deliberated on submissions on 11 and 12 May.

The Annual Plan 2016/17 was adopted by Council on 3 June.

Download the Annual Plan 2016/17 (3.4MB PDF) 

See the Annual Plan media release