North Nelson to Brightwater Corridor Study

Visit the Transit New Zealand web site for updates on the Corridor Study. Click here to go directly to Transit New Zealand: North Nelson to Brightwater Corridor Study

Visit the Transit New Zealand web site for updates on the Corridor Study. Click here to go directly to Transit New Zealand: North Nelson to Brightwater Corridor Study

Final Stage Two report

The Corridor Study project team released the Stage Two Consultation Findings in a 2006 report. 474 submissions were received; 447 from individuals and 27 from organisations. The overall preferred approach was for Package D: Enhanced Roading Improvements.

The route along the old railway corridor from Beatsons Road to Victory Square (southern link) was favoured by the majority of respondents, and there was widespread opposition to associated widening of Waimea and Rocks Roads.

Download the report

Nelson North Brightwater Corridor Study Stage Two consultation findings (1.2MB PDF).

For more information, please contact Andree KaiFong at Transit New Zealand on +64 4 801 2521.


corridor-study-consultation-stage2-0106.PDF (PDF, 1.2 MB)