Regional Land Transport Programme 2009/10 to 2011/12

Under the Land Transport Management Act, government asks councils to refine their Regional Land Transport Strategies, and to produce a Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP).

While the Regional Land Transport Strategy has a ‘big picture’ 30-year view of meeting transport needs, the Programme takes a ten-year view, and narrows its focus even further to set priorities and assign budgets just three years out.

The purpose of the programme is to:

  • Identify key transport issues in the region and how to address them.
  • List proposed transport activities for national funding to be undertaken between 2009 - 2012.
  • Indicate regionally significant transport activities for 2012 - 2015.
  • Make a ten-year forecast of anticipated revenue and
    expenditure on transport activities.


The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) can only allocate funds to activities listed in a RLTP or to national activities. The RLTP is a programme of works where the NZTA and Nelson City Council bid for funding assistance from the National Land Transport Fund. The RLTP lists two categories of activities: those that need prioritising, and those that don’t.

Activities requiring prioritisation

All state highway maintenance, renewals, safety and capital projects, local road improvements estimated greater than $4.5M, improvements to public transport services and community activities.

Activities that do not require prioritisation

Local road maintenance and renewals, minor capital activities estimated less than $4.5m, road safety initiatives and existing passenger transport activities. It’s important to note that Council doesn’t have to fund the projects in the RLTP on its own – there will be a mix of local and national funding.


Download the Regional Land Transport Programme (4.9MB PDF).


For more information, contact Transport Manager on +64 3 546 0263.