Nelson Tasman Regional Pest Management Strategy 2012-2017
The Nelson Tasman Regional Pest Management Strategy came into effect on 7 November 2012. It contains relatively few changes to the previous Strategy as the newly amended Biosecurity Act will require a major review to be undertaken over the next two years. The significant changes in the Strategy are:
- The introduction of European Canker as a Boundary Control Pest;
- The introduction of Climbing Asparagus as a Progressive Control Pest in part of eastern Golden Bay;
- A new section on the Biological Control Programme;
- A new section on Marine Biosecurity.
The maps showing the current distribution of Total Control Pests, Progressive Control Pests and Containment Pests have also been updated.
Due to the large size of this document it has been broken into three sections to be downloaded more easily:
- Part 1: Introduction and Background (370KB PDF)
- Part 2: Pest Management Programmes (2.1MB PDF)
- Part 3: Administration Provisions and Maps (7.3MB PDF)
Hard copies of the 2012-2017 Regional Pest Management Strategy can be viewed in the offices and libraries of Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council or purchased for $25 from Tasman District Council.
The strategy expired in November 2017 and is currently being reviewed by Nelson City and Tasman District Councils. The provisions of the strategy will stay in place until the review is completed and a new plan is adopted.
More information
Enquiries about the Strategy should be addressed to Paul Sheldon at Tasman District Council on +64 3 543 8432.