Regional Public Transport Plan 2021-31
This Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) details the investment programme required to enable public transport (PT) to play a key role in the delivery of a multimodal sustainable transport future for the Nelson Tasman region that will combine with other key strategies to contribute to achieving the carbon emission reduction targets set. Both Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council have placed Climate Change and carbon emission reduction amongst their highest priorities and community outcomes for the coming years.
This RPTP has been prepared to deliver a step change in the public transport network and system in the wider Nelson Tasman area over the next 10 years. It focuses on delivering a system that builds on the existing services, supports accessibility and good urban design, provides a larger proportion of our residents with a viable alternative to using the private car, is sustainable, affordable, and contributes to meeting our emission reduction targets. It has been prepared as a partnership between Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council, with our funding partner New Zealand Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi), with the intent of providing the wider community with an aligned, improved public transport service integrated across the district.
Download Nelson-Tasman Regional Public Transport Plan 2021-31 (2MB PDF)