Woodburner Survey
A woodburner survey of Nelson property owners was carried out during the initial submission period on the Woodburner Plan Change (Plan Change A3) to provide background information on people’s preferences for woodburner type and uptake.
The survey was completed by 1136 people for 1327 Nelson properties. Of the 941 properties without a woodburner, 597 wanted to install a woodburner with 478 of those preferring to install a National Environment Standard (NES) woodburner, 102 preferring a ULEB and 17 didn’t say which type they would prefer. There were 332 properties that did not want to install a woodburner and 12 with no response about installing a woodburner.
Of the 386 properties that already had a woodburner, 125 wanted to replace their woodburner in the next two years, with 101 of those preferring to install an NES woodburner, 19 preferring to install a ULEB and 5 didn’t say.