Efficiency and Effectiveness Review
Section 35 of the Resource Management Act requires that the efficiency and effectiveness of Councils’ resource management plans is reviewed every five years, and that appropriate action is taken where this is shown to be necessary.
The Efficiency and Effectiveness Review groups national, regional, and local resource management objectives by topic. It uses monitoring information to assess whether anticipated outcomes have been achieved.
While some objectives in the Nelson Resource Management Plan (NRMP) are on track and being achieved, others need more work. The review identifies that the following key areas need further work to more efficiently and effectively achieve NRMP objectives:
- Managing growth and development – particularly retail location, land use and infrastructure integration, and residential development in sensitive environments
- The need to protect a wider representative range of Nelson’s heritage
- Better management of natural hazards
- Improving our water management to address flooding, public access and water quality issues
- Coastal management – particularly provision for aquaculture, management of coastal hazards, and landscape protection
- Enhanced protection of Nelsons special biodiversity and landscape values
- The need to work with iwi on an ongoing basis
The review will be used to inform the ongoing development of the Nelson Resource Management Plan.
Feedback from NRMP users and iwi
Targeted feedback from approximately 80 NRMP users and iwi was sought regarding the review. This feedback generally endorsed the review, provided additional information, and sought minor changes. This feedback was reported to Council at its meeting on 18 July 2013 and was incorporated into the final Efficiency and Effectiveness review.
If you would like further information, please contact the Policy and Planning Administrator on 03 546 0200.
Download the Efficiency and Effectiveness review (13MB PDF)
Download the report to Council (236KB PDF)