NRMP 30 April 2012

These amendments provide for the following:

  • Operative Plan Change 13 (Marsden Valley Rezoning and Structure Plan Project)
  • Operative Plan Change 19 (Blackwood St Reserve (West) Rezoning)
  • Operative Plan Change 21 (Parking and Related Changes)
  • Operative Plan Change 22 (Heritage Trees)
  • Operative Plan Change 23 (Daylight and Solar Panels)
  • Operative Plan Change 24 (Freshwater)
  • Operative Plan Change 25 (Technical Fixes)
  • Operative Plan Change 26 (Firefighting Provisions)
  • Approved Plan Variation 07/01 (Port Noise)   
  • Alteration to Designation DE14 (Nelson Intermediate School)
  • Alteration to Designation DTR4 (NZTA)
  • Removal of Restricted Coastal Activities pursuant to Policy 29 of the NZCPS 2010
  • Correction of minor errors pursuant to Clauses 16 and  20A of the First Schedule RMA

Plan changes

For details on specific Plan Changes or Variations please visit the main plan changes webpage:

Note that the completion of Plan Change 24 means that the freshwater rules have now been moved from the zone chapters to Appendix 28.

Alteration to Designation DE14

The alteration to designation DE14 extends the purpose of the designation from “Nelson Intermediate School” to “Nelson Intermediate School and Early Childhood Education Facility.

Alteration to Designation DTR4

The alteration to designation DTR4 amends the boundary of the designation at the intersection of SH6 and Cable Bay Rd.

Removal of Restricted Coastal Activities

Policy 29 of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement  2010 removes the requirement for Councils to specify an activity as a Restricted Coastal Activity (RCA), and directs councils to remove RCAs from Plans without using the First Schedule process.

Alteration to Designation DTR4

Alteration to DTR4 (NZ Transport Agency, State Highway 6) at the Teal River bridge has completed its s181 statutory process.

Clause 16 (minor) and 20A (error corrections) amendments

A number of other minor changes and corrections have been made pursuant to Clauses 16 and 20A of the First Schedule RMA.


Link to filing instructions for NRMP 30 April 2012 amendments (38KB PDF)

Due to the size of this set of amendments a collated set will not be available for download. Please use the filing instructions above in conjunction with the online files to obtain any replacement pages required.

If you would like further information regarding this Plan Amendment, please contact the Environmental Planning Administrator on 03 546 0200 or