Freshwater Implementation Programme

Progressive Implementation Programme

Public Notice Of Progressive Implementation Programme

Under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014 (NPS-FM) Council is required to have a Progressive Implementation Programme (PIP). The PIP defines phases for implementation of the NPS-FM, and includes a summary of actions and deadlines.  Council is implementing the NPS-FM through the development of the freshwater section of the Nelson Plan.

Nelson City Council’s PIP is provided in the table below.

PhaseSummary of ActionsCalendar Year

Collaborative policy development

The Freshwater Working Groups and the Iwi Working Group continue to meet regularly to:

  • confirm the values and objectives for each freshwater management unit.
  • determine freshwater attributes.·
  • input into the limit setting process for each of the attributes.
  • provide feedback on draft objectives, policies and methods.
The Whakamahere Whakatu Nelson Plan freshwater policy provisions are developed with the involvement of Council, iwi, freshwater working groups and independent experts and scientists.

2016 - 2021

Regional Policy Statement provisions

A draft of the regional policy statement provisions for inclusion in the Whakamahere Whakatu Nelson Plan is publicly released for comment

mid 2016

Public consultation

Council seeks feedback from the public on the draft Whakamahere Whakatu Nelson Plan freshwater provisions as part of draft Nelson Plan consultation.


Whakamahere Whakatu – Nelson Plan


Development of plan provisions for the freshwater chapter.  The plan will include: freshwater values, attributes, limits and targets; adopt an integrated approach and recognise cumulative effects; manage takes and discharges; manage allocation and avoid over-allocation; manage land use and co-ordinate growth and infrastructure;

2016 - 2021

Public notification of Whakamahere Whakatu Nelson Plan including freshwater chapter.


Decisions on Plan review

Council hears and considers submissions and makes decisions as part of the Nelson Plan.

2021 - 2023

Download a copy of the Progressive Implementation Programme (111KB PDF)

2016 Report on Implementation

The NPS-FM requires Council to publicly report, every year, on the extent to which the PIP has been implemented.  You can see what we achieved during 2016 here:  2016 Report on Implementation (42KB PDF)