
How do I become a New Zealand Citizen?

Applications to become a New Zealand citizen are made through the Department of Internal Affairs. Information on how to do this can be found on their website or by phoning them on 0800 22 51 51.

The Department of Internal Affairs will communicate with you throughout your application process and will inform you when your official ceremony is by sending you an invitation. Book any necessary travel after receiving an emailed invitation from the Department of Internal Affairs.

Where are the citizenship ceremonies held?

Citizenship ceremonies are usually held in the Council Chamber at Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street. The ceremonies are officiated by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor.

2025 Ceremony Dates

  • Tuesday, 18 February
  • Friday, 28 March
  • Tuesday, 8 April
  • Tuesday, 13 May
  • Tuesday, 10 June
  • Tuesday, 24 June
  • Tuesday, 22 July
  • Tuesday, 26 August
  • Tuesday, 16 September
  • Tuesday, 11 November
  • Tuesday, 2 December

What happens at a citizenship ceremony?

Successful candidates for New Zealand citizenship are required to attend a citizenship ceremony.

At the ceremony the candidate will stand before the Mayor and take either the Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance, declaring that they will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles the Third, King of New Zealand, and that they will observe the laws of New Zealand and fulfil their duties as a New Zealand citizen. After swearing allegiance to His Majesty the King, the candidate becomes a New Zealand citizen and is presented with a citizenship certificate. Light refreshments follow the ceremony.

Recipients are encouraged to wear national dress for the occasion, but this is optional. There is an opportunity to have photos taken with the Mayor.

Further Information

For all citizenship enquiries, please contact the Department of Internal Affairs on 0800 22 51 51.

For ceremony-related enquiries, please contact Customer Support (03) 546 0200.