2016 Eelco Boswijk Civic Awards Nominations

This year’s awards will recognise individuals and organisations who are helping us to achieve our goals as a community.

Those goals have been outlined in our Nelson 2060 strategy, and were created in partnership with the Nelson community. They highlight what the most important things are that we can do to achieve our vision of being an inclusive city, with a diverse range of residents, who can connect easily to each other and to the beautiful place we call home.

Those goals are:

  1. We Support And Encourage Leaders Across Our Community
  2. We Are All Able To Be Involved In Decisions
  3. Our Natural Environment – Air, Land, Rivers And Sea – Is Protected And Healthy
  4. We Produce More Of Our Own Food
  5. We Are Able To Rapidly Adapt To Change
  6. We Move From Using Fossil Fuels To Renewable Energy Sources
  7. Our Economy Thrives And Contributes To A Vibrant And Sustainable Nelson
  8. Nelson Is A Centre Of Learning And Practice In Kaitiakitanga And Sustainable Development
  9. Everyone In Our Community Has Their Essential Needs Met
  10. We Reduce Our Consumption So That Resources Are Shared More Fairly

The 2016 Eelco Boswijk Civic Awards encompass these goals and aim to bring a spotlight to those in our community who are working towards making Nelson 2060 happen.

It is easy to enter an individual or organisation for the Civic Awards. Nomination forms are found online, at Council’s Customer Service Centre or at all Nelson Public Libraries.

Award Categories

There are six award categories to choose from. They are:

Community hero
Encouraging those who both lead and take part in community activities (Goals 1 and 2).
Do you know someone who gives up their time to assist the community, whether they are involved in one organisation or across several?

Change maker
Recognising an individual who is environmentally innovative and embraces change in the business and/or the community (Goal 5).
Do you know someone who is working towards changing the way the community approaches a certain issue to be more environmentally responsible?

Recognising an individual in the business or education fields who is thriving in a sustainable way (Goal 7 and 8) and educating and encouraging others to do the same.
Do you know someone who is leading by example in their efforts to make Nelson an even better place?

Raising awareness of those who are caring for our natural environment through volunteer efforts. (Goal 3 and 4)
Do you know a volunteer or organisation that is working towards making Nelson’s natural environment even better? Perhaps you know someone who is looking after our river, who has started a community garden or who is looking after our precious land?

Smart Living
Recognising those going above and beyond to reduce resource consumption and/or embracing alternatives to fossil fuels (Goal 10 and 6)
Do you know someone who is reducing their waste or implementing reuse programmes? Perhaps you know a business or school who are working towards a ‘clean, green, Nelson’?

Community spirit
Rewarding those individuals and organisations that work to ensure resources are shared fairly and Nelsonians have their essential needs met. (Goals 9 and 10)
Do you know someone who is working to help out others who may not be as fortunate as them? Perhaps you know an organisation who is working with disadvantaged Nelsonians?