Grant Recipients 2021/23

Community Investment Fund Small Grant Allocation - June 2022

Name Project Title Amount
24-7 Unite 24-7 Youthwork at Nelson College $2,000.00
Community Action Nelson CAN Spread the Word - fostering oral language development. $6,000.00
Cultural Conversations The Global Stitch up $5,900.00
Hearing Association Nelson Inc a Support Facilitator $5,000.00
Magenta Creative Space Magenta Creative Space - contribution towards Youth After School programme $5,000.00
Ministry of Inspiration TechWeek-Hands-on Tech for All $3,000.00
Nelson Tasman Pasifika Community Trust Sporting equipment, boots for families  $3,600.00
Parent to Parent Nelson Outreach Programme $5,000.00
St John Nelson Area Committee The St John Nelson Health Shuttle Service $3,000.00
Stoke Toy Library Incorporated Toy Library Access for Maori and Vulnerable Populations $2,000.00
The Buzz Incorporated Society Work Skills Programme Operational Costs for a 3 month period including rental and delivery expenses. $5,027.00
Waimarama community gardens Driveway /carpark, gravel 756.00
Total   $46,283.00


Strategic Grants – 2021/2023

Recipient Programme Title Grant (p.a.)
Age Concern Nelson Tasman Social connection for older adults $15,000
All Saints Anglican Church Loaves and Fishes project Loaves and Fishes: Provision of full nutritious meals so no one in central Nelson need go hungry or lonely at lunchtime $4,000
Alzheimers Nelson Tasman Dementia Information, Support and Social Groups $5,000
Beneficiaries and Unwaged Workers Trust operational costs $15,000
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nelson-Tasman Supporting Volunteer Mentoring Matches $10,000
Brain Injury Association Top of the South Operational Costs for service delivery $8,000
Citizen Advice Bureau Nelson Tasman Social Isolation $6,000
Community Art Works Community Art Works daily art programs $15,000
Habitat for Humanity Nelson The Habitat Hub: A community Hub with a focus on community wellbeing. $5,000
Life Line Nelson Inc (Life Linc) Frontline Face-to-Face Counselling Services $6,000
Male Room Inc Support of the continued operation of Male Room $9,000
Multicultural Nelson Tasman Incorporated Operating Expenses $10,000
Nelson Community Christian Night Shelter Trust Provision of emergency accommodation
(one year grant only)
Nelson Environment Centre Inc. Kai Rescue programme to minimise food waste and maximise community benefit $8,000
Nelson Tasman Housing Trust Providing Housing Advice and Monitoring Housing Need $4,000
Nelson Tasman Youth Workers Collective Youth Sector COVID Response Strategy - providing work/learning opportunities in the youth sector $5,000
Nelson Women's Centre Provision of Practical social work support, food bank, advocacy, housing and counselling services for all women. $10,000
Ngāti Koata Trust Whakatipu Rangatahi - "Growing our Youth" $6,000
Perinatal Support Nelson Perinatal counselling support service. $6,000
Q Youth Q Youth Rangatahi drop-in sessions, trainings and wider community support $10,000
St Stephens Community Church Community Support: Supporting people in need through one-to-one support, practical help and connecting them with others $5,000
Tahunanui Community Hub Incorporated To assist build the strength of our community, by endeavouring to look after/support the most vulnerable. $10,000
Stoke Community Centre Inc. (Stoke Seniors) Stoke Seniors programme: Activity Co-ordinator/ Support Person $10,000
Top of the South Neighbourhood Support - Te ope tautoko I te hāpori o Te Tau Ihu Building Connected, Safe, Resilient Neighbourhoods $8,000
Victory Community Centre Ongoing operating costs of the community centre $15,000
Whakatu Te Korowai Manaakitanga Trust Hei Whakatipuranga / Towards the Next Generation $15,000
Youth Health and Wellbeing Trust (Whanake Youth) Whanake Youth HQ- a safe space for, by and with young people. $15,000
TOTAL   $240,000

Small Grants – Round 1 (Dec 2021)

Name Project Title Outcome area Grant
Annesbrook Trust 24-7 Youth Work SI $3,000
Blind Citizens NZ Nelson Branch Increasing Social Interaction. SI $550
Community Action Nelson (CAN) Community led conversations on housing SI/Housing /Poverty $2,000
Diabetes New Zealand Live Brave Mana Ora – Diabetes Youth Nelson Family Camp SI $2,000
Empowerment Trust Face to face Kidpower SI $3,000
Neighbourhood Support (ToS) Connected communities SI / Wk&Learn / poverty /Hsg $5,000
Nelson Community Toy Library Spouting and shelving for new storage shed SI / Poverty $2,000
Nelson Pride Let’s Get Bolder Together Nelson (LGBT Nelson) SI $2,000
Nelson Tasman Filipino Community Incorporated Family Sports, Zumba and Mums & Toddlers playgroup SI $2,000
RISE Under8teen programme for youth SI $3,000
Safeguarding Children Nelson Safeguarding Children Public Training SI / Poverty / Wk&Learn $2,000
Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Charitable Trust Te Pātaka - Towards Freezer for Waimeha pataka Poverty $7,500
Victim Support in Nelson Victim Support Nelson’s Operating Expenses SI / Poverty / Wk&Learn $4,000
Volunteer Nelson Volunteer Nelson at Habitat Hub SI / Wk&Learn $6,000
Whenua Iti Outdoors Changing the outcomes – opportunities for Nelson Youth SI / Wk&Learn / poverty $4,000
White House Incorporated Society Administrator SI / Housing / Wk&Learn $5,590
Wilderness Canoe Trust 8 days of canoe journeys for children and young people SI / Wk&Learn $3,000
Total     $56,640