Marsden Valley Cemetery
Opening/Closing Hours
Winter months: 7.30am - 6.00pm
During daylight saving: 7.30am - 8.00pm
Opening/Closing Hours
Winter months: 7.30am - 6.00pm
During daylight saving: 7.30am - 8.00pm
About Marsden Valley Cemetery
Situated in the Marsden Valley, behind Stoke, this is the main cemetery in Nelson city. It caters for burials and has a Memorial Walk of plaques for those who have been cremated.
Marsden Valley Cemetery was opened in 1956, but many of the large trees, including the redwoods on the Memorial Walk, were planted over 90 years ago.
People who opt for cremation may still decide to purchase a burial plot so they can have a full sized headstone, rather than a smaller plaque on the Memorial Walk; or you can have a name added to a family member¹s headstone in the ashes burial area.
Marsden Valley is a lawn cemetery and there are guidelines about the size and type of headstone which fit in with the concept of a mown lawn park.
There is an RSA section which is limited to service members and to the standard memorial plaque which is provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs. The RSA can supply more information about arranging these plaques.
There is a children's area at Marsden Valley. A flowering cherry tree has been planted in an area set aside for people to leave toys and flowers in memory of their little ones. This keeps these items clear of the mown lawns.
How we deal with the death of babies is a lot more informed these days, but please note that the Council does not have records of babies buried in an area formerly set aside for stillbirths.
The Marsden Valley Cemetery is mown regularly. Mowing times are advertised in the days before Christmas, so flowers placed at that time do not have to be removed.
For ease of locating graves, a computerised touchscreen is available at the Cemetery Office near the main entrance. Simply tap in the name of the deceased person/s on the screen and you will be provided with the burial plot and area. A brochure with a map is available next to the touchscreen to assist with locating the grave. Please note that this service is available to the public during Cemetery Office after hours.
View a map of Marsden Valley Cemetery (177KB PDF)
Marsden Valley Cemetery Natural Burial Tree Guide
Below are the trees and plants allowed on the natural burial sites at Marsden Valley Cemetery.
Botanical Name | Common Name |
Alectryon excelsus | tītoki |
Aristotelia serrata | makomako, wineberry |
Carpodetus serratus | putaputawētā, marble leaf |
Cordyline australis | tī kouka, cabbage tree |
Dacrydium cupressinum | rimu, red pine |
Dodonaea viscosa | akeake |
Elaeocarpus dentatus | hīnau |
Elaeocarpus hookerianus | pōkākā |
Fuchsia excorticata | kōtukutuku, tree fuchsia |
Griselinia littoralis | papauma, broadleaf |
Griselinia lucida | puka |
Kunzea ericoides | kānuka |
Leptospermum scoparium | mānuka, teatree |
Lophomyrtus bullata | ramarama |
Macropiper excelsum | kawakawa |
Melicytus ramiflorus | māhoe, whiteywood |
Myoporum laetum | ngaio |
Myrsine australis | māpou |
Nestegis cunninghamii | black maire |
Nestegis lanceolata | white maire |
Nothofagus fusca | red beech, tawhairaunui |
Nothofagus menziesii | tawhai, silver beech |
Nothofagus solandri var. solandri | tawhairauriki, black beech |
Olearia paniculata | akiraho, golden akeake |
Olearia rani | heketara |
Pennantia corymbosa | kaikōmako |
Phyllocladus aff. alpinus | forest toatoa |
Pittosporum eugenioides | tarata, lemonwood |
Pittosporum tenuifolium | kōhūhū |
Podocarpus hallii | thin-barked tōtara |
Prumnopitys ferruginea | miro |
Prumnopitys taxifolia | mataī, black pine |
Pseudopanax arboreus | whauwhaupaku, five-finger |
Pseudopanax crassifolius | horoeka, lancewood |
Schefflera digitata | patē, seven finger |
Weinmannia racemosa | kamahi |
Cordyline banksii | tī ngahere, forest cabbage tree |
Melicytus lanceolatus | māhoe wao |
Nothofagus truncata | hututawai, hard beech |
Phyllocladus trichomanoides | tānekaha |
Pseudopanax macintyrei | limestone fivefinger |
Sophora longicarinata | limestone kōwhai |
Sophora microphylla | kōwhai |