Change Address or Contact Method

Please complete the online form below to request a change of address OR change of contact method for any services/accounts you have with Nelson City Council.

For address changes you will need to provide a valid NZ Post address, you can visit the NZ Post Address finder website to ensure your new address is valid.

Alternatively, you can also complete a physical form and post it back to us (the address is listed on the form). Download the change of address form.

Please note: this is not to change the address of your property - such as changing a street number or name. Please contact us to do this.

Privacy Statement

The information provided on this form will be used by Council to ensure that accounts, correspondence and other notices are sent to the correct address.

Under the Privacy Act 2020, you have a right of access to your personal information held by the Nelson City Council and you are entitled to request that your personal information be correct.

Online contact/address change form

1. Your Details
What accounts do you have with Nelson City Council?
2. Old Address Details
3. New Address Details

(not required for change contact method requests)

4. New Contact Details (if applicable)

I confirm that I am the named contact listed above or I am acting as an authorised agent of the named contact who has the authority to request the change of address.

In order to combat spam and automated misuse of this form you are required to answer the following question.

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How many eggs are there in a dozen?

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