Carpool - free carpark locations

Spaces are designated for free carpool parking in four locations: Kerr Street, Harley Street, and Haven Road.

26 new carpool parking spaces have been made available in Wakatu Square as part of Council current parking trial.

Use is on a first-come basis as far as getting a parking space in one of the three designated areas. If car parks are not occupied by 10am, the general public may then park in those spaces.

These spaces have been allocated to encourage carpooling in Nelson City.

 Harley Street

Kerr Street


Haven Road


Can I receive a parking fine for not complying with the free parking requirements?

Yes. An infringement notice will be issued for the following reasons:

  • Failure to display the permit and at least two registration cards (with different vehicle registration numbers) in free-parking areas is subject to a parking infringement notice and an instant $70 fine.
  • Parking wardens monitoring the free parking areas will check compliance with carpool free parking conditions – vehicle registration, permit, displaying up-to-date registration cards and that your online carpool has not expired. Non-compliance is subject to an instant fine of $70.

Users of the free parking areas carpooling are advised that, under the Council Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw, any use of the allocated areas for anything other than the parking of carpool vehicles will attract an instant parking fine.