Carpool and Car Share

Fight rising petrol prices – carpool and save on parking!Now is the time to start saving on petrol costs - grab a friend and ride into town together.

Fight rising petrol prices – carpool and save on parking!

Now is the time to start saving on petrol costs - grab a friend and ride into town together.

Carpooling is easy, especially if you already know someone from your neighbourhood, a workmate, or a family member who also comes to town.

Why carpool?

If you’re not convinced that carpooling is right for you, think about this.

  • You’ll save money – you’ll save on petrol, parking fees and wear and tear on your vehicle.
  • It’s more sociable – you can make new friends or create stronger bonds with colleagues when you travel together.
  • Makes you more mobile – if you don’t have a car or can’t drive, joining a carpool gives you another convenient transport option.
  • It’s kinder to the environment - carpooling means fewer cars on the road, which means less traffic congestion and less damage to the environment.

Carpool carparks in Nelson

The Council has a great carpool system that rewards you with free parking in prime city locations. All you need to do is register your carpool with Nelson City Council.

It’s still super easy to sign up. You can do it via the link below or just call into the office to do it.  Each person registered gets a permit that must be displayed on the dashboard of the car you carpool in that day.

Use is on a first-come basis as far as getting a parking space in one of the three designated areas. If car parks are not occupied by 10am, the general public may then park in those spaces.


There are four parking locations in the City:

  • Haven Road by ANZAC Park,
  • Harley Street, off Bridge Street,
  • Kerr Street, by Smiths City,
  • Achilles Avenue, by the old Hunting and Fishing building.

How to Qualify for Car Pooling

  1. There must be 2 or more people in each group
  2. There must be 2 or more vehicles in each group
  3. Applicants must be working in the Nelson CBD for purpose of carpooling

Getting your carpool to run smoothly

Council has a pamphlet available with lots of handy hints for getting your carpool up and running efficiently.  It lays out some things you need to discuss with your group. For instance:

Decide who will drive (and whether you take turns), drop off and pick up points, if it’s okay to stop along the way, how long you’ll wait for latecomers, a back up plan in case of emergency, how to share the costs, whether eating, drinking or music is allowed during your commute.

It’s important to sort out these ground rules ahead of time. Give your carpool a couple of weeks for a good routine to establish. 

Now is the time to start saving on petrol costs - grab a friend and ride into town together!

Carpooling is easy, especially if you already know someone from your neighbourhood, a workmate, or a family member who also comes to town. Join up together and carpool into Nelson.

How to register for a free carpool space


You can sign up online with your carpooling group for a free parking space in central Nelson. You'll need to have the required information on all the members of your carpool on hand to fill out the online form. Register online for a free carpool space.

By fax or email

Download a registration form for a free carpool space, fill it out and return it by email or fax, or as always you can simply bring it into the Council offices or post it to Nelson City Council, POB 645, Nelson. Directions are on the form. Download the Free Carpool Space Registration Form (81KB PDF)

By phone

Call +64 3 546 0200 to request a copy of the registration form.

Renewing an existing registration?

Fill out the same registration form online, using the same directions, but tick the 'Renewal' box.


Please email or phone +64 3 546 0200.