Understanding your parking ticket

Information about your ticket and other infringement notices

Explanation of terms on a parking ticket
Term Description
Notice Number (Notice No) Number of the infringement notice
Registration Registration number of the vehicle
Type Vehicle type (e.g. car, van, trailer)
Make Make of vehicle
Issue Date Date of offence
Issue Time Time of offence
Officer Issuing officer's number
Street Name of street
Side of Street North, South, East, West
Suburb Suburb within Nelson
Dist from Sign Distance from relevant sign
Front Sign to front of vehicle
Back  Sign to back of vehicle
Restriction Type of restriction, e.g.: 60 minutes
Location Nelson
Meter Start date and time the officer first notes the offence
Time from End date and time of the offence
Time to Offence committed
Serve methods Attached to vehicle or posted
Notes Officer's notes
Offence description Offence committed
Infringe fee Infringement fee payable
Towage fee Tow fee (if any)

Why is my parking ticket more than $12.00?

Meter offence and time restrictions

This depends on the length of time that the vehicle has been offending for:

Expired penalties
Duration Fee
Less than 30 minutes $20
More than 30 minutes and less than 1 hour $25
More than 1 hour and less than 2 hours $36
More than 2 hours and less than 4 hours $51
More than 4 hours and less than 6 hours $71
More than 6 hours $97
Other offences
Offence Fee
Failure to pay fee - paid space $70

All other parking offence fees range from $40 to $600.

Why did I get a parking ticket when I went back and put money in the meter?

All individual on-street parking meters and 'pay by plate'  spaces have a maximum parking period, except Wakatu Square (centre).

Maximum time limits for meters and pay by plate spaces
Parking space location Pay By Plate maximum time limit
Buxton Square 3 hours
Millers Acre parking square 3 hours
Montgomery Square 3 hours
Wakatu Square (centre) All day
Wakatu Square - east side and north side -
Achilles Avenue All day
Bridge Street 2 hours
Collingwood Street 2 hours
Halifax Street 2 hours
Halstead Street 2 hours
Hardy Street 2 hours
Hope Street 2 hours
Morrison Street 2 hours
New Street 2 hours
Rutherford Street 2 hours
Selwyn Place 2 hours
Trafalgar Street 1 hour

Vehicles can be ticketed for the length of time exceeding the maximum meter time. The infringement fee is dependent on the length of time the vehicle has exceeded the maximum parking time even if you have paid a fee.

What happens if my car received a ticket, but I was not driving it at the time?

Use the Statutory Declaration form (link below) to report to us who was driving or in charge of the vehicle at the time the ticket was issued. Please provide as many relevant details as possible, including the other person's full name, residential address and date of birth. Nelson City Council will then forward the notice to them.

Statutory Declaration in Respect of a Stationary Vehicle Offence under Oaths & Declarations Act, 1957 (55KB PDF)

Why did I get a parking ticket for parking on a broken yellow line, when I was only there for a minute?

These are in place for road safety and no vehicle is permitted to stop, stand or park on them at any time. The hours of enforcement are 24 hours per day and the parking infringement fee is $100.

Why did I get a reminder notice when I had sold the vehicle prior to the issue of the parking ticket?

The responsibility for notifying a change of ownership is shared by both the seller and purchaser. Have you completed your portion of the change of ownership?

The seller must complete and forward directly to the Transport Registry Centre, a MR13A form, which can be obtained from NZ Post Shop. This must be completed within 7 days of the sale of the vehicle (Section 20 of the Transport Vehicle and Driver Registration and Licensing Act 1986). Notification can also be done online: transact.nzta.govt.nz/transactions/noticeofdisposal/entry.

Likewise, the purchaser is required to complete the MR13B form. This part of the transaction should be carried out prior to handing the vehicle over to the new owner on the day of the sale, so that the seller is not required to contact the purchaser at a later date to clarify and details, and that the change of ownership fee has been paid prior to handing over the vehicle. Notification of purchase of a vehicle can be done online: transact.nzta.govt.nz/transactions/noticeofacquisition/entry.

Do not let the purchaser complete both parts, as it is the seller’s responsibility to ensure that the MR13A is completed.

If one or both portions are not completed, the ownership records held by Transport Registry Centre will not be updated and this is probably the reason why you have received a reminder notice for a parking ticket. If you receive a reminder notice, use the Statutory Declaration form (link below) to report to us who the new owner is. Please provide as many relevant details as possible, including the other person's full name, residential address and date of birth. Nelson City Council will then forward the reminder notice to them.

Statutory Declaration in Respect of a Stationary Vehicle Offence under Oaths & Declarations Act, 1957 (55KB PDF)

My car’s not where I parked it. What do I do?

If you cannot locate your vehicle it may have been towed by the Nelson City Council as it was illegally parked. All enforcement tows are reported to the Police. Contact +64 3 363 7400.

If a tow has been authorised by the Nelson City Council, it can be located at Nelson Tow and Salvage, 29A Parkers Road, Phone +64 3 548 0601. An infringement notice will be attached to the vehicle.

If you wish to raise any circumstances relating to the parking ticket, please put these in writing.

How can I pay my parking ticket?

Internet banking

  • Payee name: Nelson City Council
  • Payee Account No: 030703032505500
Details to appear on payee statement
  • Code - Vehicle Registration Number
  • Particulars - Name (surname and then your initials)
  • Reference - Infringement Number


Pay online using a visa or mastercard.


Pay with cash or eftpos at the cashiers desk at the Customer Service Centre at 110 Trafalgar Street.


Can I pay my parking ticket without the ticket?

Yes, we can locate the ticket with your registration number, and in some instances, with a name search.

Can I make a partial payment on my ticket?

We will accept direct debit for the following offences, but only infringements (or accumulated infringements) over $200:

  • Warrant of Fitness offences - $200
  • Licence Label /Registration offences - $200
  • Certificate of Fitness offences - $600

(Effective 1 August 2012)

You must complete a direct debit application form which can be obtained from our Customer Services Centre.

Please note, the infringement fee(s) will have to be paid in full within 10 months from the date the ticket was issued. If there is a default in payment, it may be lodged with the Ministry of Justice for collection of fines for the outstanding amount.

Can I have an extension of time to pay my ticket without going to Court?

Yes, we can extend the payment date up to six months from the date of the offence. To do this you need to contact the Parking Section in writing, with your request, and they will reply by letter, setting out the new payment date.

How do I know if the payment for my ticket has been received?

If it is a current Nelson City Council parking ticket, a quick check of the parking infringement system will show the date the payment was received. It will also be able to tell you what stage it is at, or if it is at court.

What can I do if I can’t pay a ticket?

You can contact Nelson City council and organise an extension of time (under extenuating circumstances). If you have an individual ticket for $200 or more, you may be able to set up a direct debit arrangement.  The direct debit and application forms can be obtained at the Customer Service Centre.

What happens when a parking ticket goes to Court?

The responsibility for the collection of parking fees is the Ministry of Justice, who will send out a notice of fine. For more details, contact the District Court on +64 3 989 2500 or Parking Administrator.

How do I appeal to the Court if I think I shouldn't have to pay the ticket?

Find out more about appealing a parking ticket.

What types of parking tickets do you accept payment for?

All parking tickets issued by Nelson City Council.


Find out how to contact the parking division at Nelson City Council.