Temporary road closure applications

This page contains the information on getting approval for road closures.

See road closures already in place.


Download the Application for a Temporary Road Closure form (589KB PDF)

Road Closure Pricing: $465.22 (inc. GST)

Please send application to: road.enquiries@ncc.govt.nz

What is a temporary road closure?

A temporary road closure is approval from the Council for a road to be closed to traffic and/or pedestrians at a specified location for a specified period.

It ensures that you can complete your work or hold your event to the standards prescribed for by the Local Government Act 1974.

You must obtain consent for a temporary road closure if a road or part of a road needs to be closed for a private or public function or infrastructure works.

Why do I need to apply for a temporary road closure?

You are required under the Local Government Act 1974, sections 319, 342 and Schedule 10, to request permission to temporarily close a road.

In certain situations where the Council owns the land or property affected (e.g. an event in a park), you may not have to apply for a road closure.

Closing the road without an approved Traffic Management Plan and approved temporary road closure application is illegal, and may result in a fine being imposed.

How do I apply for a temporary road closure?

To apply you should download the application form and send it to Council.

You will need to pay the road closure application fee of $465.22 incl. GST whether the application is approved or not. This fee provides for advertising and processing costs.

If the information you submit is incomplete, or does not provide the level of detail required, there will be delays in processing your application.

If you do not provide sufficient information relating to traffic management during the closure, your application may be rejected.

This information may include (but is not limited to):

  • Details of traffic management contingencies
  • Site closure methodology
  • Site specific sign layout

How long does it take to process an application?

Temporary road closures may be granted either for private or public functions.

It takes considerably longer to meet the requirements of the Local Government Act for a private or public function than for infrastructure works. A private or public function includes exhibitions, fairs, shows, markets, concerts, film-making, sports, parades and festivals.

Council will publicly notify the proposed closure in print media (Council newsletter "Our Nelson" or the Nelson Mail) and on the Nelson City Council website on behalf of the applicant for a minimum period before the date of the closure. This means that the application MUST be received by Council at least 60 days prior to the event for functions, and at least 10 days prior to the event for infrastructure works. This timeframe is required to allow reasonable time to seek the approval of all affected parties and where necessary consider any feedback received.

The length of time it takes to process a temporary road closure application also depends on the complexity of the application and its associated traffic management plan.

If you are requested to provide further information, your application will be placed on hold until you provide the required information.

When can I close the road?

You can only close the road when you receive the following from Council:

  • A letter from Council giving you approval to close the road.
  • Your approved Traffic Management Plan

You can only close the road on the dates and times specified, and by the method specified.

What can I expect from the Council as a result of my application?

The content of your application will be reviewed against the criteria set out in the Local Government Act 1974, and the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management.

Once we are satisfied that your application meets the necessary standards, we will begin work on ensuring that your event or road works can proceed in the timeframe and manner you have requested.

As soon as the requirements have been met, we will let you know the outcome of your application.

Who can I speak to about my temporary road closure application?

If you have any questions or need assistance with your application, please call the Customer Service Centre on +64 3 546 0200.